Our book, Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling! is out from Weiser Books!
Available in stores and libraries online and in-person!
Book Tour
Help us fund our book tour by donating to our GoFundMe. Donations of a certain amount get special gifts like tarot readings, signed copies, tarot greeting cards, book plates (stickers), and more!
3/20, 8:30 pm est, online- all eyes on you, a virtual ritual to cleanse, protect, and bless with jessica richards and jezmina von thiele
3/22, 2:30-5:30 pm, Manchester, NH- Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling talk, q&a, and tarot workshop at The Bookery with Jezmina Von Thiele. This free event is followed by an opportunity to book 1:1 readings with Jezmina until 7 pm.
3/28, 11:30-1 pm, New Orleans, Tennessee Williams Festival panel On Romani Contributions and Tropes in Pop-Culture at the Queen Anne Ballroom in the Hotel Monteleone ​
3/28, 7:30-10 pm, New Orleans-- Tales from Romanistan: a Night of Romani Storytelling (a love Romanistan podcast episode!) at Cafe Istanbul
3/29, 12-5 pm, New Orleans- Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling pop-up with tarot and palm readings from Paulina and Jezmina at MYSTIC by Cottage Magick
3/29, 7-10 pm, New Orleans- Stewarding Tradition: a Weiser Books Literary Salon and Community Ritual at MYSTIC by Cottage Magick
3/30, 1-3 pm, New Orleans- Tarot for Ancestor Communication workshop at MYSTIC by Cottage Magick
3/30, 7-9 pm, New Orleans- Bibi's Kitchen: a Romani Culinary Tradition at Shrimp Boil Cabaret